Can you drink water before, during and after workouts?

Many people who start attending sports classes wonder if it is possible to drink water during and after training?

Can you drink water before, during and after workouts?

Many people who start attending sports classes wonder if it is possible to drink water during and after training? To answer such an important and exciting question, it is necessary to turn to basic knowledge of anatomy and remember that a person on average consists of 80% water, which is why this substance is extremely valuable for his life.

During physical exercise, the body temperature rises, in order to cool down the body begins to secrete sweat, as a result of which the water balance in the body is disturbed. The blood becomes thicker and it becomes difficult for the heart to "drive" it around the body, as a result, little oxygen and other useful substances enter the cells. The following undesirable consequences arise in a chain - double the load on the heart and slowing down the fat burning process. After all, the less oxygen gets into the cells, the less they are oxidized. Therefore, if you are interested in the question, should you drink water during training? The answer will be unequivocal - yes.

Negative effects of dehydration:

the blood becomes thicker
the body's water balance is disturbed
oxygen and other useful substances do not reach the cells well
protein is poorly absorbed
the fat burning process slows down
the load on the cardiovascular system increases

Some tips

It is better to drink water in small sips often rather than in large sips rarely. You should not drink very cold water, as this significantly increases the risk of catching a cold. You should also limit your water intake during sports such as running, as drinking a lot can reduce your endurance. It is also not recommended to drink a lot of water before competitions and during the so-called "drying" process.

How long after a workout can you drink water?

If you are interested in the answer to the question, can you drink water after a workout? Then the answer is also yes. Because it is through water that you can replenish the burned weight in the first hours after a workout. Only the water should not be cold, because a heated body after physical exercise is prone to colds with a sharp contrast in temperatures (draft, cold water with ice, ice cream, cool floor, etc.).

kyle smith

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